잠실 5단지 주거복합시설 국제설계공모
International Design Competition of Jamsil Apartment Complex 5 Residential Complex Facility
ubac/조성룡도시건축과 김민수 교수가 함께 작업한 [잠실대첩]이 잠실5단지 주거복합시설 국제설계공모 최종 당선작으로 선정되었습니다.
[Jamsil-Hinge 蠶室大鉆], in which Min-Soo Kim, head of the Design History and Cultural studies, co-worked with the head architect of the project Sung-Ryong Joh, won the international design competition for Jamsil Apartment Complex 5 Residential Complex Facility.
공 모 명 : 잠실 5단지 주거복합시설 국제설계공모
위 치 : 서울특별시 송파구 잠실동 번지 일원 27
대지면적 : 358,077㎡ 연면적 (451,776㎡)
설계범위 : 계획 및 실시설계
Competition Summary
Title : International Design Competition of Jamsil Apartment Complex 5 Residential Complex Facility
Location : 567, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul
Site Area : 358,077㎡ (GFA 451,776㎡)
Range of Design : Design Plan and BEP(Building Execution Plan)