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개설교과목 Courses
1) 디자인역사문화개론
Introduction to Design History and Cultural Studies
2) 문화원형디자인탐사
Studies in Design Exploration of Cultural Archetypes
3) 한국근현대디자인사
Studies in History of Korean Modern and Contemporary Design
4) 동아시아디자인문화사
Topics in the Cultural History of East Asian Design
5) 서양근현대디자인사
Studies in History of Western Modern and Contemporary Design
6) 디지털디자인문화연구
Studies in Digital Design Culture
7) 시각문화와 디자인언어
Theories of Visual Culture and Design Language
8) 디자인공공미학특강
Topics in Design and Public Aesthetics
9) 디자인역사문화 현장실습
Internship for Design History and Culture
10) 디자인문화행정론
Principles of Administration for Design Culture
11) 디자인역사와비평
Studies in Design History and Criticism
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