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디자인역사문화 2022

The 9th Annual Exhibition


논문 Paper Panels

일제강점기 특허제도에서 의장意匠과 실용신안實用新案의 의미  박지윤

The meaning of ‘design’ and ‘utility model’ in patent system during Japanese occupation in Korea - Park, Jiyoon

1920-30년대 식민지 조선에 유통된 백분 포장디자인과 소비문화의 성격  한수현

The Characteristics of White-powder Packaging Design and Consumption Culture in Colonial Chosŏn (Korea), 1920s-1930s - Han, Shuhyun

스테인리스 밥공기: 진부한 국가주의와 행위소로서 사물  최지원

Stainless Steel Rice Bowl: Banal Nationalism and Object as an Actant - Choi, Jiwon

제주 4.3사건 상징디자인으로서 동백꽃 연구  연응주

Symbolic Design of Jeju 4.3 Incident : Red Camelia - Yon, Eungjoo

비평 Critic Panels

광주디자인비엔날레 16년 톺아보기  최호랑

A Deep Look into 16 Years of the Gwangju Design Biennale - Choi, Horang


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